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Byobu is a Linux program that allows users to combine multiple terminal windows into a single screen. This makes it easier to work with multiple programs at the same time. Byobu also provides features such as tab completion and split screen mode, which make it easier to use the terminal.



Introduction to Byobu:

Byobu is a CLI (Command Line Interface) program which allows for multiple instances of Terminal to be active at once. This is great for users who have access to a ‘Headless Terminal’ and would like the ability to run multiple Terminal commands at the same time. A Headless Terminal is a computer that can be remote into that does not use its own display. Headless Terminals are common for servers in data-centers.


Installing Byobu:

To install Byobu simply type sudo apt install byobu in a Terminal Session then you are ready to use Byobu after installation.



The Hot-Keys are important to know when using Byobu and they are as follows:
F2: New Window
F3: Previous Window
F4: Next Window
F6: Disconnect session
F12: Lock Session


Using Byobu:

To start using Byobu, after installation, simply type byobu at the command prompt. This will launch the Byobu interface in your current terminal window.

By default, Byobu uses the F2 key to create new tabs and the F3 key to create new windows. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+F2 and Ctrl+Alt+F3 to create new tabs and windows, respectively.

Once you have Byobu open, you can use the F4 key to cycle through the various tabs and windows. To close a tab or window, simply press the F6 key.


Session Restore:

Byobu also includes a number of features that are designed to help you manage your terminal sessions more effectively. For example, Byobu can automatically save and restore your session when you disconnect from and reconnect to your terminal. This can be useful if you need to leave your computer for a short period of time and don’t want to lose your place in your work.

To enable this feature, press the F9 key to open the Byobu Preferences dialog. Then, select the “General” tab and check the “Automatically save and restore sessions” option.

Status Bar:

Byobu also includes a “status bar” that displays information about your current session, such as the hostname of the computer you’re connected to, the time and date, and the average load on the system. To toggle the status bar, press the F8 key.


Learn More:

If you want to learn more about Byobu, press the F1 key to open the Byobu User’s Manual. This manual includes a complete list of all of Byobu’s features, as well as instructions on how to use them.


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