AI Generated image using Jasper - depicting an automatic robot cat litter box

Self Cleaning Litter Box

All cat owners deserve to have an automatic & Self Cleaning Litter Box! With one of these you can go from 7 days a week of cleaning the cat litter box to just twice a week!

Pet Zone Semi-Self Cleaning

Amazon Link

  • Helps to reduce bad odors.
  • Reduce time spend on cleaning each week.
  • This model is a little messy with the litter.

Top of the line!

Litter-Robot 3

Amazon Link

  • Best model – Greatly reducing Litter Box Odors.
  • Reduce time spent on cleaning each week.
  • Has phone app to let you know when it is time to replace waste bag.

BoxieCat Litter

Amazon Link

  • This is the best cat litter that I have used in my Open Self Cleaning Litter Box.

-I am an Amazon Affiliate and receive commission when items are purchased using associated links.


Self-cleaning litter boxes have become increasingly popular among cat owners in recent years. These innovative devices offer a convenient solution to the tedious task of cleaning up after our feline friends. With self-cleaning litter boxes, all the hard work is taken care of automatically, leaving us more time to enjoy the company of our beloved pets.

In this article, we will discuss their benefits, how they work, and what features to look for when choosing one for your furry companion. Let’s get started!

Open vs Contained litter boxes:

There are a few key differences between open and contained litter boxes. First and foremost, an open litter box is exactly what it sounds like – a box without a lid or any type of covering. This means that cats have easy access to their litter and can come and go as they please. Open litter boxes can also be a little messy with the cat litter. On the other hand, a contained litter box has some sort of covering, whether it be a hooded lid or a dome-shaped top with an entrance for the cat. Contained litter boxes are usually cleaner with the cat litter.

Oder Control:

Another difference is in terms of odor control. Contained litter boxes typically do a better job at trapping odors inside due to the added layer of protection from the lid or covering. Open litter boxes may not be as effective in controlling odors, although regular cleaning and scooping can help alleviate this issue.

One thing that could be done to help control the Oder of Open litter boxes is to put them in areas that are not as commonly used such as an un-used room. I Turned a closet into a makeshift cat room with a cat door and places for them to hang out. This helps to control the smell but it can still be sensed from time to time. My next move is to create an addon to my house and have the addon become a makeshift cat room.

Controlling Open litter box Oder:

One thing that could be done to control the odor with open type litter boxes is to put the litter box in some sort of housing. I turned a closet that was in my living room into a make-shift cat room by installing a cat door for easy entry. I also installed some soft lights and cat shelves in there. This helps contain both the odor and cat litter that my open litter box tosses out.


The level of privacy is also a factor to consider. Some cats prefer the privacy and seclusion that comes with a contained litter box, while others may feel claustrophobic or trapped in such an enclosed space. Open litter boxes provide more visibility and freedom for the cat, which may be preferred by some feline companions.


Additionally, open litter boxes tend to be easier to clean and maintain. With no lid or covering, there are no additional parts or crevices that need to be cleaned regularly. However, contained litter boxes may offer more protection from scattered litter and tracking outside of the box.

Cat Litter:

When it comes to self-cleaning litter boxes, the type and quality of cat litter are significant factors to consider. Clumping clay litters are commonly used in traditional manual litter boxes; however, they can cause issues in self-cleaning models. These litters tend to clump tightly, making it difficult for the automated rake or scooping mechanism to function correctly. As a result, cat owners may experience frequent malfunctions and clogs in their self-cleaning litter box.

To avoid these issues, many manufacturers recommend using specialized crystal or silica gel litters designed explicitly for self-cleaning litter boxes. These types of litters are lightweight and have low tracking properties, making them easier for the automatic rakes to handle.

Review of the Pet Zone Semi-Cleaning Cat Litter Box

The Pet Zone Semi-Self Cleaning cat litter box is an innovative and convenient option for busy pet owners who are also looking to incorporate robots in their everyday lives. This product offers a modern solution to one of the most dreaded tasks of pet ownership – cleaning the litter box.

  • Pros for the Pet Zone Semi-Self Cleaning Litter Box:
    • Cheap version allowing for multiple litter boxes to be used across the house for a lower price.
    • Reduce time spent cleaning the litter box to 1 or 2 days a week.
    • Easy to use replaceable baggies.
  • Cons
    • Will fling a small amount of cat litter out of the box from time to time.
    • Will wait about 30 minutes to clean after use allowing the smell to linger for a little time before cleaning.
    • No phone app to send notifications to when it is needed to be cleaned.

Review of the Litter-Robot 3

This innovative self-cleaning litter box is designed with the latest technology and offers a host of features that make it the perfect choice for everyday use. With its advanced automated cleaning system, you can say goodbye to scooping and odors. The Litter-Robot 3 takes care of all the dirty work, leaving you with more time to spend with your furry feline friend.

  • Pros for the Litter-Robot 3:
    • Is the best for reducing bad Oder.
    • Phone app to send you notifications for required cleaning.
    • Reduce time spent cleaning to 1 or 2 days a week.
    • Easy to use replaceable baggies.
  • Cons:
    • Expensive.

In Conclusion:

Self cleaning litter boxes offer many benefits for both cats and their owners. They provide a convenient solution to the chore of cleaning up after our feline friends and can help control odors in the home. When choosing between open and contained litter boxes, it’s essential to consider factors such as privacy, maintenance, and type of cat litter used. By selecting the right self-cleaning litter box for your furry companion, you can enjoy more quality time with them while keeping your home clean and odor-free. Your cat (and your nose) will thank you! Thank you for reading this article on self-cleaning litter boxes.

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