How to Turn on Dark Mode

In recent years, Dark Mode has become an increasingly popular feature across various operating systems and applications. It offers a sleek, visually appealing interface that is easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments. Besides the aesthetic appeal, Dark Mode can also help conserve battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens. This article will guide you through the process of turning on Dark Mode on your operating system and in specific programs.

OS vs. Program Dark Mode

Before diving into the specifics of how to enable Dark Mode, it’s essential to understand the difference between OS, Or Operating System, Dark Mode and Programs Dark Mode. An OS is the main software that a device runs to provide user interaction. This could be Windows, MacOS, Linux (Like Ubuntu), Android just to name a few. Where as a Program could be an Internet Browser, Microsoft Excel type program, Youtube App, FaceBook App, ect.

Special Programs

Some Programs can automatically change into Dark Mode when the OS is changed. An Example would be when Windows 11 is changed into Dark Mode then the Microsoft Office products will also change into Dark Mode.

OS Dark Mode

Operating System (OS) Dark Mode applies a dark theme to the entire interface of your device, including system menus, settings, and built-in applications. When you enable Dark Mode at the OS level, it usually affects the overall look and feel of the operating system and its native apps but will exclude other apps or programs that are not native to that OS. Here’s how you can turn on Dark Mode on popular operating systems:

Windows 11:

  1. Press, or click on, the Windows key.
  2. Type in Color Settings and press the Enter key.
  3. Under the “Choose your Mode” dropdown, select “Dark.”

For a better understanding of Windows 11 in Dark Mode check out my article “Windows Dark Mode”


  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Go to General.
  3. In the Appearance section, select “Dark.”

iOS (iPhone and iPad):

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Display & Brightness.
  3. Select “Dark” under the Appearance section.


  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Display.
  3. Select “Dark theme” or “Dark mode.”


  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Display.
  3. Select “Dark theme” or “Dark mode.”

Programs Dark Mode

While enabling Dark Mode at the OS level covers a broad range of built-in applications, individual programs often have their own Dark Mode settings. This can be particularly useful for applications that you use frequently and want to customize independently of your system settings. Here are steps to enable Dark Mode in some popular programs:


  1. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  2. Select “Appearance.”
  3. Choose “Dark theme.”

Google Chrome:

  1. Click on the three dots in the top-right corner to open the menu.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Click on “Appearance” and then select “Theme.”
  4. Choose a dark theme from the Chrome Web Store.

It is important to understand that changing the theme will not turn individual websites into Dark Mode. This would require a plugin to be installed with the web browser.

Microsoft Office:

  1. Open any Office application (Word, Excel, etc.).
  2. Go to File > Account.
  3. Under “Office Theme,” select “Black” or “Dark Gray.”


  1. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Go to Themes and choose “Dark.”

Web Browser Plugins

In addition to the built-in dark mode features of operating systems and specific programs, you can further enhance your browsing experience by using web browser plugins. These plugins offer additional customization and control over the appearance of websites, allowing you to apply a dark theme to sites that may not natively support Dark Mode. Here’s a look at some popular dark mode plugins and how to use them:

How to Install and Use Dark Mode Plugins with Web Browsers

Here’s a general guide to installing and using dark mode plugins on your web browser:

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for a dark mode plugin, such as Dark Reader.
  3. Click “Add to Chrome” and confirm the installation.
  4. Once installed, click the plugin icon in the toolbar to enable and customize dark mode settings.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open the Firefox Add-ons website.
  2. Search for a dark mode plugin, such as Dark Reader.
  3. Click “Add to Firefox” and confirm the installation.
  4. Access the plugin through the toolbar to enable and adjust the dark mode options.

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.
  2. Search for a dark mode plugin, such as Dark Reader.
  3. Click “Get” to add the plugin to Edge.
  4. Manage the plugin through the toolbar to enable and customize dark mode settings.


  1. Open the Safari Extensions Gallery or the Mac App Store.
  2. Search for a dark mode plugin, such as Dark Reader.
  3. Click “Install” and follow the prompts to add the plugin to Safari.
  4. Enable and configure the plugin through Safari’s preferences or the toolbar icon.

    Using web browser plugins for dark mode can significantly enhance your browsing experience, especially on websites that don’t natively support dark themes. By installing and customizing these plugins, you can enjoy a consistent, eye-friendly browsing environment across all your favorite websites.


    By understanding and utilizing both OS Dark Mode and individual Program Dark Modes, you can create a consistent and eye-friendly experience across your entire digital environment. Whether you prefer a unified dark theme or want to customize each application to your liking, enabling Dark Mode can enhance your comfort and reduce eye strain during prolonged use.

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