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In this article we will be covering what Syncthing is and how it can be used to sync data across the internet, or even locally, to provide protection of data via redundancy.

Photo of the Syncthing GUI interface.
Photo of the Syncthing GUI interface.



Introduction to Syncthing:

Syncthing is a free program that helps you keep your files in sync between different devices. For example, if you have a file on your computer at home and you want to be able to access it from your work computer, you can use Syncthing to sync the two computers and keep the file up-to-date on both of them.

This will make copies of the files onto all devices and thus will take up equal space on all devices which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

A good reason is that if one device fails or becomes lost then you will have a copy of all files which were on that device. Also having a copy on all devices makes access to all files quicker as the device will not need to download the file before you can open the file as it is already downloaded.

The bad reason to have copies on all of your devices is that if one device has low storage then it will fill up quickly and will not be able to download all of the data that is in the Syncthing folder.



Downloading on Android:

To download Syncthing for Android check out the Play store.


Downloading on Linux, Windows & MAC:

To download Syncthing for any Linux Operating System, Windows, MAC and more, check out their website:

For linux users it may be easier to download the program from their website and then install it using the wizard.








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