Projects With Jackie, LLC

Projects with Jackie provides information that is not to be taken as Legal Advice.

Please do your research in any projects you may partake in and Projects With Jackie is not liable for any decisions, outcomes, nor actions you make.

Affiliate Programs:

Some links to other sites are affiliate links and I may make profits from them to help fund my websites. These Affiliate Programs include Amazon Affiliates, NordVPN, and others.

AI Usage:

I use AI to assist me in creating my articles. I take my experiences and use AI to write my articles. I then proof-read and make changes to the AI generated articles to make sure they are as accurate as possible according to my experience and knowledge.


We use cookies to help track Affiliate Sales. These cookies are entered into your internet browser so that the associated Affiliate companies know that you were referenced to them by ProjectsWithJackie.

Personal Information:

We collect some basic personal information such as Email and names. We may use this information to help you with your experience with Projects With Jackie. We do not sell this information for any reason and we also protect this information by using multiple security measures.