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Linux Free Programs

Welcome to Projects With Jackie. In this article I will first explain how to install some popular programs on an Ubuntu machine then cover common programs for Ubuntu with the installation text string.



How to Install programs in Ubuntu:



On Ubuntu, the terminal can be accessed by either pressing Ctr+Alt+T or searching ‘terminal’ in the applications menu which can be opend by pressing the windows key on the keyboard. Once you have opened the terminal window, you will see a prompt where you can start typing commands to perform operations on your system. The terminal window is black with white text by default (But can be changed).

To download programs in Ubuntu using the Terminal, you will need to first update your system by running the following command: sudo apt-get update. This will show all programs which require updates. Once this is done, type in sudo apt-get upgrade to download all of the updates.

After all upgrades have finished installing then you can install new programs. Most programs are easy to install as they mostly will start with Sudo Apt Install ??? where ??? is the name of the program or a string of text that identifies the program. One example is Sudo Apt Install DDGR where DDGR identifies the program ‘Duck Duck Go’






A nice replacement from Microsoft Office suite. Though it is common for there to be issues when opening a document that was edited/created by Microsoft Office.

  • Sudo Apt Install LibreOffice



Duck Duck Go

Duck Duck Go is a popular web browser that boasts to not collect and sell information on its users.

  • Sudo Apt Install DDGR




Samba is a program that allows Linux distributions to access and provide access to Windows based file sharing services.

Shared Folder program (Post on Samba)

  • Sudo Apt Install Samba




Remmina is a remote desktop connection program.

  • Sudo Apt Install Remmina




VLC is a video and music player. It can also be used to download video and music from websites and it can also be used to splice video and music together though it can be complicated performing the additional functions.

  • Sudo Snap Install VLC




Krita is a powerful opensource digital art program. A very popular alternate program from Adobe Paint.

  • Sudo Snap Install Krita




Discord is a popular chat application for gamers. It provides both audio and text chats and can also be used with alot of different Bots or AI.

  • Sudo Snap Install Discord




A open-source DAW or Digital Audio Workstation application.

  • Sudo Apt Install LMMS




A powerful 3D program which is opensource.

  • Sudo Apt Install Blender




One of the most popular places to play games & it has alot of games which work with Linux.

  • Sudo Apt Install Steam




Another open-source digital art program.

  • Sudo Apt Install GIMP




A package manager GUI

  • Sudo Apt Install Synaptic




Communications program

  • Sudo Apt Install Skype




Allows your computer to host virtual machines.

  • Sudo Apt Install Virtualbox




Application which allows you to record and edit audio files.

  • Sudo Apt Install Audacity




A free screen capture program

  • Sudo Apt Install SimpleScreenRecorder




Allows you to host a server from a computer to stream video, music, photos and games.

  • Sudo Apt Install Kodi



Plex Media Server

Plex Media Server is similar to Kodi but it has pay to use features. The Free version is still great if you have a decent CPU. If  you decide to pay then Plex Media Server will use your GPU instead.

  • Sudo Apt Install PlexMediaServer



NotePad QQ

suped up version of Notepad

  • Sudo Apt Install NotePadQQ




A FTPS and SFTP program.

  • Sudo Apt Install FileZilla




A addition to how Terminal can function. See my post (Byobu) for more details.

  • Sudo Apt Install Byobu




A fantastic free, and open source, Program to record/stream your desktop, or cameras, to other streaming platform such as Facebook. To install this program on Ubuntu you will need to use two commands.

  • Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
  • Sudo Apt Install OBS-Install


OpenSSH Server

Will allow you to SSH into the computer. SSH is not installed on majority of Linux Distrubitions by default.

  • Sudo Apt Install OpenSSH-Server



FireFox Browser

Mozilla Firefox is a free & open source internet browser that does not collect data on you unless you allow it to.

  • Sudo Apt Install FireFox



Tor Browser

Installs the Tor Web-Browser. Initial download can take up to about an hour to complete.

  • Sudo Apt Install TorBrowser-Launcher




Installs a basic chess game.

  • Sudo Apt Install Gnome-Chess


Monitors Temp and other computer hardware stats.


TeamViewer is a fantastic program that most computers should keep handy. It allows users to provide access to their computer remotely so that other people can do things while you watch. This is great for those who may need somebody else to repair their computer or work on their network.

  • As far as I know there is no CLI prompt for Linux to install TeamViewer but it can be downloaded from their official website here -> HTTPS://

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